Join us for a Good Cause and Support a Local Brewery!

The Caritas Communities’ Young Leaders Group is pleased to invite you to join us for the 11th Annual “Get Social for a Good Cause” networking event.

Where: Castle Island Brewery in South Boston

When: June 11, 2024, 6:00pm – 8:00pm

All donations will go directly to provide rental assistance for those residents who live in poverty and were previously homeless or at risk of homelessness. Residents’ budgets are stretched so thin that when they get behind on rent, it can be impossible to catch up. Named in honor of a founding member of Caritas, the Paul McGrath Homelessness Prevention Fund provides grants to residents who are struggling with a short-term financial setback due to illness, reduction in work hours, or other unexpected circumstances. More residents than ever need our help to get back on their feet. Through your attendance and donation, we can make a huge difference in the lives of Caritas residents.

Join us for a night of fun to socialize, network, and support our lowest-income neighbors. At Caritas, we believe secure housing, support, and a sense of community are the foundation of human dignity and lead to healthy, productive lives. Since 1985, we have provided safe, permanent housing for very low-income individuals living in Greater Boston.

Logo: Welcome Home, Text: Since 2014, Providing Welcome Home Baskets to All New Caritas Residents

The Caritas Communities’ Young Leaders Group has been raising critical funds for residents in need for 10 years.