“No one who has ever worn the uniform of this great nation should struggle to find a roof over their head.”
— Massachusetts Department of Veterans’ Services Secretary Coleman Nee
Homes Helping Heroes: Veterans’ Housing
Housing Veterans In Need
One and a half million American Veterans are at imminent risk of homelessness due to lack of support, poverty and poor living conditions. At Caritas, we recognize our debt to those who have served.
As the largest provider of permanent Veteran housing in Greater Boston, and with our 24/7 wraparound supportive services, Caritas is helping to make sure that those who defended our nations’ liberties will have a home when their military service ends.
Contact Us
If you or someone you know is a Veteran looking for affordable housing, please contact us for information and an application.
With Your Support We Provide:
- 56 permanent housing units for formerly homeless Veterans at the Bedford Veterans Quarters (BVQ) with 24/7 onsite case management, that includes medical, mental health and employment referrals, food assistance and activity groups.
- 19 permanent housing units for low-income Veterans in New Bedford.
- housing for Veterans and their families at Patriot Homes in South Boston in partnership with the South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation. *
- housing for Veterans through the Homefront Program, which partners with the New England Center and Home for Veterans to provide specialized case management.
- housing for Veterans our general housing program which offers safety and dignity in deeply affordable units with support services for residents in 33 properties throughout Greater Boston.
By providing affordable, supportive housing for Veterans, Caritas is helping to make sure that no one who served to defend our nation’s liberties and rights will be deprived of the ability to live in their own home when their military service ends. Your support of Caritas safeguards our success. Please join us in playing a crucial role in this fight to end Veteran homelessness in Massachusetts.
*Patriot Homes is managed by the South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation. Inquiries for housing at this property should be directed to the SBNDC at 617-268-9610.